Key figures

Loading height
Capacity (cardboard)
Maximum speed
Product features
- Magazine type: horizontal
- Case types: 4 corners glued cases, shelf-ready trays, trays with ledge, stackable cases
Technical features & benefits
#1 - Ergonomic equipment
The Evobox case former is designed taking into account the working postures and avoiding health problems: the large capacity cardboard magazine is located at a height of 900mm, the glue pellets are loaded at a height of 750mm, ideal heights for the health and safety of your employees.
#2 - Eco-designed case former
During the design of our machine, our teams have paid attention to the energy consumption (electrical, compressed air…) and tried to reduce it at the minimum.
#3 - Automatic format changeovers
Format changeovers are easy and quick to perform on our machines. They can be performed automatically or with assistance. Video tutorials are available on the 12’’ HMI screen to guide you step by step.
#4 - A connected and communicating machine
Our Evobox case former allows real-time information feedback. This brings several major advantages: being more attentive to the proper use of the machine, reducing downtime and risk of breakdowns, optimizing the machine life cycle and consumables lifespan, and reducing operations and maintenance costs.
This Evobox case former allows also to analyze the state of wearing parts and the concerned areas.
Do you need further information or a quotation?
Additional equipment to the Evobox case former for a full industrial packaging line